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Osteopenia 2nd update Sept 2013
September 20, 2013


So many people are contacting me that I am resorting to sending this update to each of you.

Sources for Tualang honey

Many are asking where to buy Tualang honey. This question has come up before when I have shared research. It is likely to come up again as I add more studies of herbs etc. to the site. My answer needs to be that I have no specific recommendation for you. Why? . Two reasons: .

1. Newsletter readers are a diverse group - covering 5 continents and there is no way I could know what is available to across the world. 2. If I recommend a source, I could be legally responsibe if anything went wrong. The companies I list on the PRODUCTS page have been vetted by a third party and are not just on 'my word'. .

Still I would like to be of use, so let me share the process I use when looking for things that are new to me. .

Since the surce of this honey is South East Asia, I would do anyone of several things: .

First, I would contact local health food stores to find out if they carry it and if they do not, I would talk to the manager showing some of the studies and asking if s/he would consider stocking it. .

Second, I would do a web search knowing that if I find a supplier from South East Asia, shipping costs to my home might be high and unlike a local store I can not observe the sellers. .

Third, since the honey is producted in South East Asia, I would try to find a neighborhood with immigrants from that area - local grocery stores may well stock the product and since they would buy in bulk, the costs would probably be lower. (I have often done this when looking for items commonly used in China or India. And I sometimes will contact friends in other cities when looking for items in common use by Middle Eastern immigrants since not many are in the Hudson Valley where I live. .

Third, in my own search I noticed that some of the suppliers say that their product is 'hallal' which is a term designating that it meets religious standards for the Muslim community. Knowing that I might ask members of our local Mosque if they would know of any source. .

Now there are probably other ways to find things. These are just my own techniques.

Update on future of the web site

Many of you have responded to my concern about being able to continue. Several persons have used the DONATE button on the site to send a donation via paypal. I do try individual acknowledgement but I want to make a general acknowledgement and THANK YOU now. .

Second, several persons have suggested that I charge a small annual fee. I would ask anyone willing to pay such a fee to send it via the DONATE button on the web site. You are correct. Many small amounts would add up and keep us in business. .

I do not want to require a donation of everyone getting the newsletter or using the web site for 2 reasons: it would mean that the unemployed or those living with small retirement income might not get the information BUT they need it as much as the rest of us. (I am conscious that the web site is used by persons of many economic classes. But there is a practical reason also - to set up restricted access would require programming skills that I do not have - would need to hire someone to do and that simply add costs I cannot manage right now. .

So, yes, if you can manage a small fee/donation, that would solve my problem. Many readers at a few dollars or euros each certainly solve the economic bind. .... I hope a general 'thank you in advance' would be understandable. (I am not sure I could manage a thousand individual responses - though I shall try. . I hope this update is useful. And yes, thank you in advance to those going to the PRODUCTS page to shop (either here or at the site ) and thank you in advance to those who will make a donation, no maater how small, through the DONATE button on the web site. .

Finally, much luck in all you do for your health and well being ...and that of others.


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