You are receiving this post because you subscribed to Osteopenia3 Newsletter.

This month's newsletter will be short. Some of you have said that the newsletters were getting too long so they WILL be much shorter.

Two items:

1. There is a new drug in clinical trials that has outperformed Fosamax's ability to increase bone density. The drug is taken at 3 or 6 month intervals. If you want to read more go to:

2. I am most grateful to the readers of this newsletter. Without you I would not be doing so much research. I have been learning a lot, especially from studies done in China, Japan, New Zealand and Poland. THANK YOU.

As an expression of my thanks I decided to create a special page on the Osteopenia3 web site just for you.

It lists the newest articles added to the site, so you will not have to spend so much time looking for them. This page also allows you to ask questions about Osteopenia or its treatments and to make comments.

Now, the page is password protected. Only Newsletter readers will have the password. (I just could never keep up with questions or comments by everyone visiting the site.)

When you go to the page, a password box will pop up. (If the box is too close to the edge of your screen for you to type in the password, just put your mouse pointer on an edge, click and then move the box with your mouse to where you want it.)

The password will change every few months AND each newsletter will contain the current password near the end of the newsletter. If you forget the password, you can retreive it by finding your newest newsletter.

So, if you want to check out the page now, go to:

The password is: strong-bones

Thank you for reading this month's newsletter.


P. s. Remember that if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, there will be less sun in the coming months.Be sure you are taking enough D3 or you will begin to lose bone density.