Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia

Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia. Many people are interested in natural ways to increase their bone density - things that will build stronger bones that do not depend  on pharmaceutical drugs. If you are one of them, then you may be interested in learning about acupuncture. 

First, you might want to know that Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia treatment  is often used in China. It is also available outside China by practitioners of  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). And if you know anything about Traditional Chinese Medicine you will not be surprised to know that there are scientific studies that show that these TCM treatments do work for building strong bones! 

Increasing bone density with TCM and accupuncture.  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a different focus from Western (allopathic) medicine. TCM is not about diagnosis and pharmaceutical drugs. Instead Traditional Chinese Medicine views the human body as having energy lines (meridians) that run throughout the body. When our energy (Chi) gets blocked in some way from moving through these meridians, that causes a disturbance in our body.

So the goal of TCM is to keep or restore our energy balance  because when our 'Chi', (energy) is in balance, our body is healthy. Disease comes when our Ying-Yang (balance of  energy) becomes disturbed.   As a result the whole goal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is to restore our Ying -Yang  and to keep  Ying - Yang energy in balance for the rest of our days. So Osteoporosis or Osteopenia is seen as the result of energy imbalance and its cure can be effected by restoring our Chi balance.

Restoring balance is achieved by:

 1. Right diet so in a case of illness or problems with our body such as Osteopenia or Osteoporosis, Chinese Medicine practitioners often prescribe specific herbs that can bring the body back into balance.

 2. Also practicing certain bodily movements can restore the body's energy balance. Unlike many Western exercises, 'TCM movement' is not a high intensity exercise. Rather it is slow and rhythmic and it follows very specific patterns. 

You have probably seen TV or videos of people in China, Taiwan or Hong Kong practicing stylized bodily movements. They are often practicing Tai Chi.

The purpose of Tai Chi is to keep energy flowing through the body. It follows the basic principle of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM ) that free flowing 'chi' (energy) is the key to good health. If you would like to learn more about this, here is a YouTube video that you can watch and use for your own practice of Tai Chi Osteoporosis

 3. Another method used to increase bone density in Traditional Chinese Medicine is Acupuncture. 

TCM for Strong bones: Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia treatment

How is Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia treatment done? If you go to a practitioner of Traditional Chines medicine the first thing s/he will do is to check your pulse at several places so as assess your energy balance.

Why? If your body is in harmony, your pulse will be equal at each spot. But if you are not in good health, as when you have Osteopenia or Osteoporosis, there will be imbalances in your pulse.  When the practitioner finds an imbalance or energy block, the TCM practitioner may insert some very thin sterilized needles and insert them at certain points along your meridians. Why? Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia has the aim of unblocking the energy flow in your body. ( I have found that the insertion of needles does not hurt. Sometimes it itches or tickles but it never hurts.) 

To many Westerners these Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia energy points seem a bit mysterious. But if you want to try a simple experiment, you can probably locate some meridian points on your body right now. (See the list below.). Apply moderate pressure to a point with your index finger or thumb.  If you experience any pain, TCM would say that your energy is blocked at that point. So it might be worth massaging that point lightly. (Note the term, 'lightly') Doing this on a regular basis is may unblock your own energy (Chi) just as formal Osteoporosis Osteopenia treatment would unblock it.

Here are some easy to find points for your own Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia treatment:

  • There is a point on the indentation at the top of your breast bone.
  • There are others every few inches down from that point - just follow them down the center of your body.
  • Your ears contain many acupuncture points. You can find them by starting at the top of your ear lobe. Press/squeeze you ear along the edges right down to your ear lobe.
  • If putting pressure on any of the points results in pain, that may signal blocked energy. To remedy it, make a circular motion with moderate pressure of about 8 turns on the blocked point. Do this for several days because it can 'unblock' the energy and the point will no longer be painful.                                                                                                                                                                          Still the question you may have is: Can Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia treatment really increase  bone density?

Scientific studies: Acupuncture Osteoporosis Osteopenia Treatment

Studies about the use of Acupuncture treatment Osteoporosis Osteopenia have been published in scientific/medical journals since 2002. Here are links to some of them. 

1. Acupuncture for Primary Osteoporosis: Evidence, Potential Treatment Prescriptions, and Mechanisms was published in 2019 in Evidence Based Complimentary Alternative Medicine.

2. In 2018 Acupuncture Medicine published:" Warm needle acupuncture in primary osteoporosis management: a systematic review and meta-analysis " 

3. In September of 2016 a Systematic review of Acupuncture Osteoporosis was published

4.In 2013, an article was published in the Journal of Evidence Based Complimentary Medicine, "Effects of Laser Acupuncture on Longitudinal Bone Growth in Adolescent Rats". It says that bone density increased a result of acupuncture treatments.

5.In 2008, researchers at Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine published a study that showed positive "Effects of acupuncture on bone metabolism and serum estradiol level in ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis rats".   

6. Another study published in February 2006, concluded: "Acupuncture plus acupoint sticking of Migudan has definite therapeutic effect on primary osteoporosis".

7. And a study from 2004 indicated that Acupuncture treatment Osteoporosis worked like a number of prescription drugs since the treatment focuses on inhibiting Osteoclasts, the cells that remove bone. This study concluded that acupuncture treatment  "decreases the number of myelogenic osteoclasts " and so it inhibits the bone removal phase of bone resorption.

So we see that Acupuncture Osteoporosis, Osteopenia treatment can help restore bone density. If you would like to explore this subject further,  go to this site's  Products page and type Acupuncture into the Amazon search box and titles of several books will show. (And yes, I receive a small commission from Amazon if you buy one of the books (or anything else) when you use the Amazon link from the Products page.

 To read more Natural Treatments for Osteopenia and Osteoporosis click on:

 Natural Treatments Osteopenia and Osteoporosis 

SPECIAL NOTE: If you have used Acupuncture Osteoporosis treatments for preventing or  reversig bone loss, would you share your experience with other readers? If so, please use the form below. 

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