Advacal bone builder can reverse Osteopenia, Osteoporosis
Advacal bone builder. Advacal ( AAACa ) is a supplement shown to stimulate new bone growth. It increases bone density. There are scientific studies that documents its effects. For more than 20 years I have been reading scientific studies about calcium supplements. These studies include reviews of: calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, coral
calcium and AAACa, the chemical name of Advacal.
If you have Osteopenia
or Osteoporosis you want to be sure that the calcium supplement you take is one with proven bone building benefits. Calcium is a mineral that is hard for your body to absorb so finding a highly absorbable form is important if you want to strengthen your bones.
If your health care provider has told you that your bones are thin or fragile, you do not want to waste time on any calcium supplement that is not well absorbed by your body. That is why Advacal is worth investigating.
I first read about Advacal when it first came out. I had been diagnosed with bone loss. I knew that most calcium supplements are not well absorbed so I began to look for scientific studies about supplements for reversing bone loss. And in reading those studies, I learned about Advacal, a supplement that originated in Japan. There were a number of scientific studies published that showed Advacal increased bone density in those who used it.
Because Advacal bone builder was relatively new at the time, I had to look for the company that distributed the Advacal. I ordered a supply and I took Advacal faithfully over the next months. To my delight my next dexa scan showed that I had indeed increased my bone density. I continued with Advacal bone builder for several years until my dexa scan showed that bones were back to normal bone density. Yes!
Frequently asked Questions about Advacal:

- So what exactly is Advacal? A study published in Clinical Calcium Jan. 2005. states that this supplement, Active Absorbable Algal Calcium (AAA Ca), is made by submaximally heating (800 degrees) cleaned oyster shells under reduced pressure and
mixing them with similarly heated seaweed (Cystophyllum fusiforme). This process is what makes the Advacal supplement unique.
- What is the significance of its high 'absorbability"?
One of the problems with calcium supplements is that calcium is a mineral and our bodies find it difficult to absorb minerals. Much of the calcium
taken in supplements is not absorbed. It simply travels through the digestive track and then winds
up in the toilet. Some other supplements can be absorbed BUT they never make
it into actual bone formation. Instead calcium deposits are made in a person's joints and
eventually these calcium deposits create some of aches and pains of our older years.
- What is necessary to repair thin, porous bone, is for calcium is absorbed and utilized in bone formation. THAT is
what Professor Fujita's specially treated oyster shell/seaweed used in Advacal seems to do. ( To read summaries of some of the studies published in scientific journals about this special form of calcium, just click on Advacal Studies.
- Why are studies these from Japan so important? One of the differences between the situation in Japan and the United States or Europe is that most Japanese do not develop Osteoporosis until they are advanced in age. In the United States and Europe osteoporosis is synonymous with post menopausal osteoporosis. But in Japan
there is almost no need for treatment of bone loss in the immediate post menopausal period. Some people think that it has something to do with the Japanese diet but in Japan Osteopenia and Osteoporosis typically does not show until at least age 65 so the studies done in Japan are talking about Advacal's effectiveness in elders!
- Once health care providers thought
that the older you are, the more difficult it would be to increase bone
density. But Dr. Fujita's studies challenged that assumption. For example, there was a study done on hospitalized 80 year old individuals. (Since they are
hospitalized, they are not likely to be doing 'bone density exercises"!) The paper authored by Dr. Fujita's team was published in 1996: Calcif Tissue Int. Apr;58(4):226-30 1996. "A randomized, prospective, double-blind test was carried out to
compare the effects of heated oyster shell-seaweed calcium (AAA Ca),
calcium carbonate, and placebo in 58 elderly, hospitalized women with
the mean age of 80 ." And the results showed that Advacal was more effective than any of the other forms of calcium tested.
- Some people question Oyster shells as a source of Advacal bone builder? After all many oysters are contaminated. I, too, questioned the Oyster shell source of Advacal bone builder. I was worried enough about this that I contacted the manufacturer of Advacal before I used it. They replied that they had the supplement tested and
the results showed that any contaminants were "well below the level that
the scientific community has set for 'discernible contaminates." As a
result, I felt free to purchase some for my own use. If you want to try Advacal, ALL forms of Advacal bone builder are available at Amazon, Just click: Advacal bone builder
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